Your Daily Simple Truth!

Service is better given than received. Vivat Jesus

For today carry your burdens well, help others bear theirs, for one day you may be unable to even hold your own thought. Vivat Jesus

With Faith you have everything. Be willing to leave everything else behind as you most certainly will in the end. Vivat Jesus

Without study, practice, and learning you could have an opportunity of a lifetime smack you in the face and never know it. Vivat Jesus

The work of study and learning can be most daunting until we realize it has the power to take us past our aspirations. VIvat Jesus

It is often quite impressive to witness powerful things, but how small that force is compared with God the Almighty. Vivat Jesus

Clothing yourself with Godliness is ample protection from the evils of this world. Vivat Jesus

Surrounding yourself with impiety can smother your Soul. Vivat Jesus

Hypocrites hold a false hope that others cannot see their true self. Vivat Jesus

Many build up their reputations, fewer build up their bodies, and it seems far too few build up their Faith. Vivat Jesus