Your Daily Simple Truth!

Choose those things that give glory to God and there by the Grace of God earn salvation. Vivat Jesus

Lord, “bring my enemies to a knowledge of the truth so that they may repent.” Saint Francis Xavier, Vivat Jesus

Expecting God to meet your terms is reducing Him to a human level and sinful. Vivat Jesus

Not seeing it or choosing to ignore it doesn’t make the problems of this world disappear. Vivat Jesus

Is it ever as cold outside as a hardened heart? Vivat Jesus

Our first inclinations just might not be in our best interest. Vivat Jesus

Life is like a tug of war. It is a lot easier if you have friends pulling in the same direction. Vivat Jesus

You can’t be placing God first in your life if you go through the whole day without prayer. Vivat Jesus

When you find yourself going the wrong way, turn around as soon as possible; that is the shortest way back home. Anon. Vivat Jesus

At its worst, selfishness is pretending to help others while only being interested in helping yourself. Vivat Jesus