Your Daily Simple Truth!

Respect recognizes the dignity of another in the way we would wish to be seen by them. Vivat Jesus

Compared with God, our knowledge is infinitely smaller than the contribution of a single grain of sand to the beach. Vivat Jesus

A life lived fully has one eye on Heaven and both hands and feet at work in this world. Vivat Jesus

Avoid the little sins, they tend to grow on you. Vivat Jesus

The all importance of health in today’s world is our pitiful and misplaced attempt at immortality. Vivat Jesus

Health may be preferred, but Life is Sacred. Vivat Jesus

 If all we see and think about is ourselves, how can we possibly see, hear, and help someone else? Vivat Jesus

A good and earnest question is either an admission of what we don’t know or a desire to truly understand another. Vivat Jesus

Don’t just grow old, grow wise. Seek wisdom and understanding every day. Vivat Jesus

You can’t take it with you but you may wish for it not to drag you down from Life Eternal in Heaven. Viva Jesus