Your Daily Simple Truth!

Straying from the truth is like drifting off the side of the road. You just might be able to control the car, but it would be better for everyone if you would just stay on the road. Vivat Jesus

The more we learn, particularly absent real wisdom, the easier it is to rationalize our sinful behaviors. Vivat Jesus

The only thing we truly own is our decisions to follow God’s Will or our own. Vivat Jesus

Direct your mind, nurture your heart, and embrace your eternal soul. Vivat Jesus

How easy it seems that many can underappreciate the gift of life. Vivat Jesus

Death seems to only happen to someone else until it is suddenly your turn. Vivat Jesus

Most of the world seems to live day to day as if there is only life on this side of Heaven. Vivat Jesus

If possible, flee from evil. If it is not possible, hold tight to your Faith and the truth. Vivat Jesus

How often do we dig ourselves a hole, deeper and deeper, thinking and hoping to lift ourselves out of our troubles? Vivat Jesus

How many of today’s troubles are really opportunities awaiting our call to God for wisdom and forbearance? Vivat Jesus