Your Daily Simple Truth!

To the world, beauty is just another pretty/handsome face and figure. In truth, beauty is the light of God in another. Vivat Jesus

We can hear the words, and they can pass by without meaning. We can hear the words and attach our meaning to them. It is best to listen to the words and understand the truth in them. Vivat Jesus

Most would say they wish for peace. Unfortunately, many simply want their piece. Vivat Jesus

As a child we ‘make believe’ so very many things. As an adult we pretend we have not sinned, that we are mostly/always right, and this world is all there is. Vivat Jesus

Why do so many seem to miss reaching the ‘age of reason’ and remain so unreasonable? Vivat Jesus

Does your day-to-day routine involve life or death decisions? If you answered no, think again. Vivat Jesus

Those that speed, run red lights, drive distracted, or just drive very slowly in the fast lane, must in their heart of hearts believe they are the only one on the road or at least the only one who counts. Vivat Jesus

So many seem to be so very impatient about everything except what needs to be done to gain Heaven. Vivat Jesus

Don’t fear the loss of your temporary life on earth more than you value your eternal life in Heaven. Vivat Jesus

Straying from the truth is like drifting off the side of the road. You just might be able to control the car, but it would be better for everyone if you would just stay on the road. Vivat Jesus