Your Daily Simple Truth!

Beauty is seeing the divine in the other. Vivat Jesus

With faith and repentance, there is no sin so great that Jesus won’t show His mercy and forgiveness. Vivat Jesus

True strength comes from your faith in God. Vivat Jesus

Temptation is a frequent visitor, therefore so is the opportunity to choose virtue. Vivat Jesus

A smile costs you nothing but may well mean be priceless to those who receive it. Vivat Jesus

Know history or learn it the hard way. Vivat Jesus

To say “that’s interesting” is neither a positive nor negative comment. It is often used since most take it as a compliment. Vivat Jesus

If someone is not smiling with their eyes, then they are not smiling from their heart. Vivat Jesus

Which of your friends do you think about every day? Cherish them and add to your list. Vivat Jesus

Listen, question, listen, question, listen, then if it is absolutely necessary to speak, listen once more. Vivat Jesus