God wants no one to perish and thus is most patient with us. Vivat Jesus
Cling to Heavenly virtues and flee from the corruptions of this world. Vivat Jesus
It used to be fashionable to claim to know God while doing things which oppose God’s Will. These days, many just deny God’s existence. Vivat Jesus
Those that deny the Truth are condemned by their own judgement. VIvat Jesus
The Church seeks the Truth and in so doing has established “rules and guidelines” for how we should live. We don’t get to make our own rules. Vivat Jesus
Believing you know another’s motives is fraught with the peril of being mixed up with your own motives. Vivat Jesus
Perseverance requires the Gifts of Faith and Time. Vivat Jesus
To follow the Way of Jesus we must follow Holy Scripture, the Apostles, and their successors. Vivat Jesus
It is said that the good die young because we so sorely miss their goodness. Vivat Jesus
The need for sleep is a daily reminder of our mortality. Vivat Jesus