Your Daily Simple Truth!

Almost everything worthwhile takes practice. How about your Faith? Vivat Jesus

Great things can be built on the simple truths. Nothing can stand for long on a lie. Vivat Jesus

A Saint is constantly looking for God, listening for His slightest whisper, and living the message of Jesus Christ as much as they are humanly able. Vivat Jesus

If you are looking and listening, you will recognize God’s call for you to be Holy at time of Spiritual opportunity and crisis. Vivat Jesus

If you are not looking and listening, how can you expect to hear God’s whispers to you through the course of every day? Vivat Jesus

The danger of being self-absorbed is that you leave no room for God or anyone else. Vivat Jesus

Life eternal requires us to meet God on His terms.  They are love, love Him and love your neighbor. Vivat Jesus

If you wish to see the world in its proper perspective, look within and find God there with you. Vivat Jesus

Confidence is not founded on one’s self, but most assuredly on the gifts from God. Vivat Jesus

Love is Divine when shared. Vivat Jesus