Your Daily Simple Truth!

To walk in Heaven, we have but to talk with God. Pray often. Vivat Jesus

God only asks that we love Him and our neighbors. Vivat Jesus

We desire the good and too often deny the existence of evil. Vivat Jesus

All lies are dangerous, however, those based solely on one’s authority and not on truth are particularly treacherous. Vivat Jesus

A falsehood firmly stated from a position of authority is still a falsehood. Vivat Jesus

We accept the need for time to grow and time to learn. Accept the need for time to increase your faith. Vivat Jesus

Problems are an opportunity to demonstrate your faith in God. Vivat Jesus

Evil may have its day, Truth has eternity. Vivat Jesus

How can you expect to attain Heaven if your life’s road is never pointed in that direction? Vivat Jesus

Cleanse our minds, hearts, bodies, families and homes for Christ dwells within us. Vivat Jesus