Your Daily Simple Truth!

Pride, no matter how successful one appears to others, leaves you reliant on your own human weaknesses, sins, and limited abilities.  At the extreme, you are left alone with your pride. Vivat Jesus

To persist in this world one minimally needs air, water, food, and space.  To gain Heaven we must have Faith in God and His Grace. Vivat Jesus

Working for the alleviation of the sufferings of others will diminish one’s own miseries. Vivat Jesus

Life’s ‘harsh realities’ are permitted by God and may be the result of another’s actions, or the making of our own sinfulness and mistakes.  With faith and God’s Grace we can bear and overcome all of these sufferings. Vivat Jesus

To discern, be repulsed and fight against the evil actions of another is not the same as to judge the person as evil. The latter is for God, the former is our obligation. Vivat Jesus

In the face of Our Lord Jesus Himself, His miracles, the Parables, His life, Passion, Death, and Resurrection, many still chose to not follow Him; and some sought to kill Him.  It is no surprise that we, with all our human imperfections and limitations are often misunderstood and falsely maligned. Vivat Jesus

Without Jesus we would wither and die as did the Fig Tree on Holy Tuesday. Vivat Jesus

It is a guilty conscience that makes one ill at ease with the thought of a Guardian Angel with them at all times. A clean and repentant heart welcomes the Heavenly help through life. Vivat Jesus

To be at peace with God is to have everything and lack nothing. Vivat Jesus

A lie is a card played. That lie often leads to another and another, otherwise known as a house of cards. Vivat Jesus