Your Daily Simple Truth!

Your ladder to success is being held by someone below and leaning on someone above. Vivat Jesus

Preparation and practice create opportunities. Vivat Jesus

You can’t seize an opportunity if you don’t recognize it as an opportunity. Vivat Jesus

Don’t try to succeed in this world at the expense of Life Eternal. Vivat Jesus

When you don’t understand, ask and learn something new. Vivat Jesus

A ‘sour puss’ isn’t even happy with themselves. Vivat Jesus

Some people care deeply, and it is as obvious as the smile on their face. Vivat Jesus

Whatever your troubles, there is always someone with more. Vivat Jesus

Show your love to a sick child, they will remember that feeling always. Vivat Jesus

As you get older, give until it hurts; you might as well since something is going to hurt anyway. Vivat Jesus